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Following the signing of the Antarctic Treaty in 1959, the scientific and explorative interest of the last continent discovered by man was renewed. In recent years, also due to climate change and the growing interest of the international community, research expeditions in Antarctica have exponentially increased.

Like the wild west of the nineteenth century, this is the new frontier.

Most of the Antarctic bases are on the coast, but explorations are intensifying within the continent. Difficult and risky missions that have a high scientific value.

The project of Shared Antarctic Outpost, aims to be a point of connection and stopover on long journeys from one base to another and a temporary and removable research station.
As an oasis in the desert, it will be open to everyone and offer shelter from extreme weather conditions. The idea is therefore a shared space, supported by research projects active on the continent.

The basic configuration consists of three modules, two inhabited and one technical. Each module consists of two floors, raised from the ground through steel foundations adjustable and adaptable to different soil conditions and has a limited weight that allows it to be transported by helicopter or conventional vehicles.

The housing module has a living and work area on the first level. Through a double height it is possible to reach the sleeping area on the upper level which can accommodate up to three people.
The double height can be closed with an elastic net to also favor moments of leisure and relaxation.

The project is also designed for long periods of hibernation, to then be promptly reactivated.
Its technological systems allow for self-sufficiency and are
environmentally sustainable.

There are high-efficiency photovoltaic panels (such as those used in satellites) that can be closed to protect windows during periods of inactivity. The outposts will be equipped with communication systems and emergency generators, first aid, anti-freeze tank and long-term food reserves.


A new tool to experience Antarctica in a safer and more aware way.





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